The OSHA Process Safety Standard: The 30-Year Update

In 2022 OSHA (the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration) published a proposed update to its Process Safety Management standard. This is the first change to the standard since its release in 1992.
OSHA has identified 24 topics which they would like to change, modify or enhance. This ebook describes each of these topics and discusses how they can be implemented. The topics include:
- Oil and gas drilling and production
- Natural disasters and extreme temperatures
- Chemical and explosive hazards
- Retail facilities
- RAGAGEP (Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices)
- Defining the limits of covered processes
- Root cause analysis
- Stop work authority
- Process hazards analysis recommendations,
- Information management
- Organizational changes
- Equipment and mechanical integrity
- Local emergency response
- Third-party audits
- Process safety management systems
This book is both thorough and practical. It not only describes the proposed updates in detail, it also provides practical guidance as to how these changes can be implemented in either an operating facility or a design office.
Purchasing Information
The ebook can be purchased either for your e-reader, or as a .pdf file. The price is $14.99 (U.S.). (The price may be slightly different in other currencies.)
The EPub format is available from various locations. The following is the link for the Lulu store.
pdf File
The following is the link for the .pdf file.
Printed Book
If you prefer a printed book, please follow this link.