Health and Industrial Hygiene

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Health and Industrial Hygiene
The management of health issues at industrial facilities falls between environmental and safety management. Unlike safety problems, which can occur instantaneously, health issues generally develop slowly. But health issues are not as long term as environmental compliance and they are largely under the control of facility management.
Related to the topic of Health is that of Industrial Hygiene, which is defined by the American Industrial Hygiene Association as follows,
[the] Science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, prevention, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace which may cause sickness, impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort among workers or among citizens of the community.
Health and industrial hygiene issues considered in this ebook include:
- Asbestos;
- Noise;
- NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material);
- Heat and cold stress;
- Food and galley hygiene; and
- Alcohol and drug policies.
Table of Contents
Regulations and Standards
Employee Access to Records
Radiant Heat
Noise Limits
Noise Control
Remove the Source
Modify the Source
Relocation / Barriers
Enclose Equipment
Hearing Protection
Administrative Controls
Vibration Control
NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material)
Regulations and Standards
Water / Dry Blasting
Safe Limits
Protective Measures
Heat Stress
Heat Index
Types of Heat Stress
Heat Stress Factors
Heat Stress Prevention
Thermal Radiation
Cold Stress
Equivalent Chill Temperature
Controlling Cold Stress
Food and Galley Hygiene
Methods of Preservation and Treatment
Treating Contamination
Storage and Cooking Temperatures
Facilities and Equipment
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Affected Participants
Applicants for Employment
Legal Drugs