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This ebook to do with Process Plant Security has its roots in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. On September 25th, just days after the 9/11 attacks, the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote,
The World Trade Center is not the place where our intelligence agencies failed. It is the place where our imaginations failed.
Prior to that attack no one had even conceived that terrorists could take over airplanes and use them to hit large buildings. Now we know.
The discussions to do with risk and risk management in our other books and ebooks are all based on the assumption that we all want to do a good job, and that accidents really are accidents.
Unfortunately, this mental paradigm of “general goodwill” does not always hold. Malicious persons will attempt to deliberately create incidents. Given that process facilities typically store and process large quantities of toxic and/or flammable chemicals, a breach of their security could lead to a catastrophic event. These facilities are a natural target.
Malicious attacks can be divided into the following categories:
- Members of the public
- Vandalism
- Theft
- Activists
- Sabotage
- Terrorism
Table of Contents
Regulations and Standards
Types of Attack
Members of the Public
Visible Security
Population Density
High Profile
Security Vulnerability Analyses
Rings of Protection
Managing Security
Inherent Safety
Access Security
Personnel Screening
TWIC (United States)
Equipment Modifications
Response to a Threatening Call