Equipment and Buildings

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Equipment and Buildings
Equipment for the process industries often handles corrosive and toxic materials at high temperatures and pressures. Therefore it is vital that this equipment is designed and operated such that it maintains integrity at all times. An unanticipated failure of an equipment item can have catastrophic consequences.
This ebook describes the different types of equipment used in the process industries; also the buildings that are used. Piping, valves and instrumentation are discussed in subsequent ebooks.
Items included are:
- Pressure Vessels / Columns
- Storage Tanks
- Pumps
- Compressors
- Turbines
- Heat Exchangers
- Shell and Tube Exchangers
- Air-Cooled Exchangers
- Cooling Towers
- Fired Heaters
- Flares / Blowdown
- Boilers
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Electrical Equipment
- Buildings
Regulations, Codes and Standards
Included is an overview of the large number of engineering standards, codes and regulations that apply to equipment in the process industries. Standards that are referenced include:
- API(American Petroleum Institute) Standard 521. Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems
- API (American Petroleum Institute) Standard 2000. Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks. 2014.
- API (American Petroleum Institute) RP 2003. Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents. 2015.
- API (American Petroleum Institute). Standard 2015. Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks. 2005.
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
- DIN EN 13445 - Unfired Pressure Vessels
- Australian Standard 1940 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Table of Contents
Regulations and Standards
Pressure Vessels / Columns
Pressure Vessel Code
Fire Hazard
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
Vessels under Vacuum
Storage Vessels
Reflux Vessels
Nameplate / Documentation
Storage Tanks
Functions of Storage Tanks
Types of Storage Tank
Fixed Roof Tanks
Floating Roof Tanks
Plastic Tanks
Bund Walls / Berms
Tank Farms
Stairs and Platforms
Tank Design
Static Electricity
Blanket / Padding Gas
Connections, Nozzles and Manways
Overflow Systems
Temperature Control
Tank Fires
Boilover / Foamover
Rag Layers
Types of Pump
Centrifugal Pumps
Positive Displacement Pumps
Shutdown and Alarm Systems
Suction Piping
Minimum Flow Protection
Fire Protection
Sealless Pumps
Pump Isolation
Pump Casing
Seals and Packing
API 618
Shutdown and Alarm Systems
Liquid Knockout
Relief Valves
Compressor Isolation
Surge Protection
Sparing Policy
Gas Turbines
Steam Turbines
Heat Exchangers
Shell and Tube Exchangers
Tube / Shell Side
Tube Leakage
Air-Cooled Exchangers
Cooling Towers
Natural / Forced Draft
Fired Heaters
Heat Transfer Fluids
Air Preheaters
No Process Flow
Start-Up / Operations
Flares / Blowdown
Emergency Depressurization
Types of Flare
Flare Design
Ground Flares
Smokeless Operation
Thermal Oxidizers
Internal Combustion Engines
Starter Systems
Intake, Exhaust and Fuel Systems
Electrical Equipment
Equipment Grounding
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters
Administrative Buildings
Control Buildings
Control Rooms
Computer Rooms
Electrical Equipment Buildings/Substations
Process Buildings
Equipment Buildings
Analyzer Houses / Operator Laboratories
Warehouses and Workshops
Temporary Buildings
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