Managing a Risk Program

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This ebook to do with risk management in the process and energy industries describes how a risk program in the process industries can be managed so as to maximize safety and efficiency while keeping costs under control. It describes how to determine the program's objectives, create the organization, develop metrics and a baseline and then implement the plan. The chapter concludes with a discussion to do with auditing and continuous improvement.
Clients and Customers
Everyone who manages a risk program has customers or clients. Even those working in large corporations or government departments supply services and products to others, with their customers being other departments and managers within the organization. With regard to process risk and reliability programs, potential clients and customers include the following.
Senior Management
Senior managers are concerned primarily with long-term issues. With respect to risk they are particularly sensitive to the potential for major environmental and safety events such as the Exxon Valdez spill, the refinery explosion at Texas City or the Deepwater Horizon/Macondo catastrophe. Such events lead to loss of life, major environmental problems, huge economic losses, very bad public relations, civil litigation and even criminal prosecution. Senior managers do not want to be in that place — they look to the risk management program to keep them from going there.
Facility Managers
In operating facilities the immediate client for a risk and reliability program will be the facility or plant manager, supported by his or her operations, maintenance and technical managers. Generally, they are less focused on big picture events than their bosses, but they do want to avoid and recordable injuries and environmental citations. They are also interested in boosting profits through the use of operability and reliability programs. Moreover, they understand that a smoothly-running facility will make them look good in the eyes of their superiors.
Project Managers and Design Engineers
If a facility is still in the design or construction stage the immediate clients for the risk management program will be the project managers and design engineers on both the client and the contractor side. These clients have two principal interests with regard to risk. First they need to ensure safety on the project itself, particularly during the fabrication and construction phases. Second, they want to be sure that the facility that will operate safely and that it will meet its environmental and operating goals once it has been turned over to operations.
Regulators / Auditors
Modern industrial facilities are required to meet a plethora of regulations, rules, codes and standards. Therefore the risk management program should be organized so that its findings and results can be readily evaluated and audited by outsiders, particularly government regulators.
Table of Contents
Clients / Customers
Senior Management
Facility Managers
Project Managers and Design Engineers
Regulators / Auditors
Program Organization
Step 1 — Determine the Objectives
Step 2 — Set Up an Organization
Steering Committee
Operating Binders
Step 3 — Create the Metrics and Baseline
Step 4 — Develop a Plan
Resources Needed
Develop a Schedule
Reviews and Signatures
Step 5 — Implement the Plan
Step 6 — Audit / Improve
Risk Management on Projects
Phase I — Concept Selection
Phase II — Preliminary Engineering
Hazards Analysis
Phase III — Detailed Engineering
Phase IV — Fabrication and Construction
Phase V — Commissioning and Start-Up