Solar and Hydrogen: The Foundation
This article is based on the following post, Solar and Hydrogen: The Foundation.
Energy sources and energy use is fundamental to many of the articles, safety moments and posts at this site.
This article is based on the following post, Solar and Hydrogen: The Foundation.
The material in this article is taken from the post ‘Natural Gas in Transition’, with the sub-title ‘A Net Zero Debating Point’.
The material in this post has been updated and transferred to
The material in this article is taken from the post An Energy Evaluation System: Part 4 — An Energy Grid.
We continue our series of posts on how to evaluate and compare different energy sources. The first three posts in the series are:
We are publishing a series of posts to do with evaluating alternative sources of energy. This article is based on the post Energy Evaluation: Properties describes a method by which different fuels and energy sources can be compared.
The material in this post has been transferred. Please visit Net Zero by 2050 for information to do with Net Zero programs.
The good old days
This post is the second in the series ‘The Shape of Net Zero’. The series is based on an understanding that we cannot simply switch out one source of energy (fossil fuels) with another (wind, solar, nuclear and others) and carry on with Business as Usual. We need to consider the following parameters to do with a switch in the basics of our energy supply.
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